Who we are

Complete Care Cosmetics LLC was created to promote natural beauty, health, and confidence with safe, evidence-based solutions. After learning about the health risks linked to chemical hair products—like uterine cancer and hormone disruption—I knew I had to act.

A 2022 study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that women who frequently used chemical hair straighteners were more than twice as likely to develop uterine cancer. Other research has shown that petroleum-based chemicals in cosmetics can interfere with hormones, impacting estrogen, androgen, and thyroid balance.

These discoveries inspired me to create a safer alternative: the Herbal Hair Growth Oil with DHT Blocking Properties. This gender-neutral formula supports healthy hair and scalp for all, using natural DHT-blocking ingredients like pumpkin seed oil, saw palmetto, and nettle, combined with time-tested herbs from around the world.